Certified Hypnotherapy
Offered by: Elliott Meltzer, Nicole Meltzer
Contact us to claim your free 30-minute consultation by phone or in person at a mutually scheduled time.
Acceptance of Hypnosis as a Recognized Modality for Healing
Hypnosis was recognized as a complimentary healing modality by the British Medical Association (1955), the American Medical Association (1958, there are “definite and proper uses of hypnosis in medical and dental practice”), and the American Psychiatric Association (1961).
The Effectiveness and Cost of Hypnotherapy Compared to other Modalities
Thousands of research studies have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals that support hypnosis as an effective intervention for mind-body healing.
A comparative study of scientific literature by Dr Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D., revealed the following recovery and therapy effectiveness rates, for various psychological intervention modalities of therapy.
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after an average 600 Sessions. Cost approx $90,000
Behavioural Therapy: 72% recovery after an average 22 sessions. Cost approx $3300
Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after an average 6 sessions. Cost approx $900
Note: Costs were evaluated in US currency at an hourly charge rate of $150.
(Source: American Health Magazine)
(Source: Barrios, Alfred A. “Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal,” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1970)
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a highly effective and scientific method of assisting people in making changes in their lives to break undesirable habits, create new desirable patterns and help to solve problems leading to healing and greater fulfillment in life. Using hypnosis, your mind is directed to specific beneficial goals that you wish to achieve.
Hypnosis is a natural and effective state. You may be surprised that there is a high probability that you have been hypnotized before. If you’ve ever concentrated so hard that you completely lost track of time, if you’ve ever been totally absorbed in reading a book, watching a movie or daydreaming to the point that you were oblivious to the environment around you, then you’ve experienced hypnosis.
This pleasant, calming experience can be used as a therapeutic technique to help you achieve your goals, improve your life and have better health. Hypnosis can provide the means to cope with the stresses of everyday life more easily.
Hypnosis is a normal and natural state of mind characterized by a heightened sense of awareness, focus and suggestibility. While in this state, your mind is more open, easily able to accept positive suggestions. It is an effective way of utilizing the powerful resources of the subconscious, your unconscious, mind
for self-healing. It can also be described as a state in which your mind pays attention to things
in a different way. It is a high functioning learning state of experience.
In the deepest states of hypnosis, the body-mind-spirit connection is brought into complete balance. Most interventions require only a light level of trance to achieve success (which, incidentally, is why good advertising can work so well with the right combination of catchy phrases, music, sounds and appealing visuals).
Hypnosis is both a natural state of mind and a process in which the client and the therapist cooperate for the benefit of the client.
There are many common examples of being in hypnosis or “trance” in our lives every day.
Examples of hypnotic states include:
- Becoming absorbed reading an interesting book and forgetting about the room around you. Later, looking at a clock, you feel surprised that hours have gone by.
- Arriving home after driving for hours, and realizing you have no recollection of the drive, in spite of having successfully navigated your way by adjusting to the flow of traffic, turning, stopping, starting and other complex actions.
- Daydreaming or thinking about things far away from you at the moment. In this state, your surroundings easily can fade into the background.
- While your attention is captivated viewing your cell phone, the world recedes into the background.
- Sitting in a dark room amidst rows of strangers, facing a wall, experiencing feelings ranging from excitement to terror to sadness… You are all enjoying a movie at the theatre.
- Being involved in an engaging conversation where “flow” just happens organically and easily.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis to create positive change on the level of the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual.
Whatever the issue, Hypnotherapy can help to strengthen your inner resources and promote healing. The key is to find a certified practitioner that is adequately trained and certified to facilitate your hypnosis experience.
How long has Hypnosis been around?
Hypnotic techniques have been used for thousands of years. Certain healing therapies conducted by priests in ancient Egypt, Greece and China greatly resemble what is called hypnosis today. The actual term “hypnosis” originated with the work of a British surgeon, Dr. James Braid in the 1840’s. He had seen the work of a follower of Dr. Franz Mesmer’s theories and became interested in how only the power of the mind could bring about quick and lasting healing. He gave up using the term mesmerism and popularized the term hypnosis. The term comes from the Greek root word hypnos (meaning sleep) thus leading to some of the common misconceptions about what hypnosis is. Hypnosis is not sleep. If it were, it would be a very expensive nap!
Modern hypnosis has evolved into a well-respected practice and today it is used by Certified Hypnotherapists, as well as other professionals such as Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, and those in law enforcement.
How does Hypnosis work?
During hypnosis, the subconscious mind is accessed and given positive direction and suggestions that are accepted more easily in this altered state of mind. The subconscious mind, unlike the conscious mind, does not analyze or apply logic and reason, so when it accepts the suggestion, the desired change will happen automatically. When the mind is not “busy” processing day to day activities, you can access information without distraction. With the mind more at peace, current difficulties can be worked through more easily.
What problems can be solved using Hypnosis?
The uses of hypnosis are practically limitless. Everyone can benefit from hypnosis. It is only a matter of how much and how quickly. It can be used to change a habit, change an attitude and even change some physical symptoms. Some of the most common uses include becoming a non-smoker, losing weight, increasing memory and concentration, fear, phobia and anxiety relief, improving self esteem, pain control, eliminating insomnia, and the list goes on.
What will I experience?
People respond to hypnosis in different ways and to various degrees. Most people feel physically relaxed yet mentally alert. The varying possible sensations that some people experience include heaviness, numbness, lightness, floating, tingling or twitching, profound relaxation, good feelings, warmth or heat, coolness or time distortion.
During the hypnosis session, you will be aware of where you are, what is going on around you and you will hear what the Hypnotherapist says to you. You will also remember what took place during the session after the session is over.
Even though it may look like sleep, hypnosis is not the same as sleep. You do not “pass out” and you are not unconscious when you are hypnotized. You do not lose control over your mind or your feelings. You do not weaken or surrender your will to any other person. Consequently, it is not possible to get stuck or remain hypnotized longer than you choose to be. Going into and out of hypnosis is as natural and as safe as experiencing a daydream.
Will I lose control in Hypnosis?
You always remain in control. In fact being in a state of heightened awareness, and the end result of the hypno-coaching, means you have more control, not less. Regardless of what you see on television or on stage, you cannot be hypnotized against your will. All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis. Coming to see a Hypnotherapist only means you have the benefit of someone facilitating and guiding your process. However, even in the deepest states of hypnosis, a part of your mind remains aware of everything that is happening. Your values remain intact. A person will never do or say anything in hypnosis that they would not do or say in a normal waking state, no matter what anyone tells them. This is why lasting change and healing using hypnosis works only if you are truly motivated to heal.
Other Frequently Asked Questions about Hypnosis
Will I be able to wake up in the case of an emergency?
You are not asleep! Remember, you are in control at all times. A hypnotic trance is very similar to reading a book. When you are reading a book, your mind is alive with pictures and stories. You naturally settle into a relaxed state and often let your mind wander. However relaxed and engrossed in the book you become, you will still hear the telephone ring (or a fire truck) and if you like, you can answer it.
I’ve never been hypnotized. What can I expect to happen?
Hypnosis is like a daydream. Most people have them several times a day without ever realizing it. This is your unconscious mind running at will. You may be surprised to find yourself slipping into a light trance right now as you read this page.
Will I remember anything?
A hypnotic trance is more like a daydream than a deep sleep. If you choose, you can remember anything that you wish, while discarding anything that is not memorable.
What if I’m too smart or too analytical to be hypnotized?
Everyone is capable of a daydream and when you daydream you just allow it to happen don’t you. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not a physical sensation of deep relaxation, but rather a heightened state of focus and awareness. Relaxation is only a pleasant side effect. For this reason, most everyone can be hypnotized.
References to Scientific Research on Hypnosis
There are literally thousands of research papers and articles available on the merits of hypnosis. The following medical journal article has extensive references to hypnosis research. It is available in paper copy at our office or you can read and download it here:
Stewart, James H., MD (2005). “Hypnosis in Contemporary Medicine“. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, volume 80 (4) 511-524
Where can I get more information?
Feel free to contact us to learn more about how our hypnotherapy can help you. Claim your free 30-minute consultation by phone or in person at a mutually scheduled time.
For more information on Hypnosis, visit the International Hypnosis Research Institute , or the Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists.
If you would like more information or to book an appointment at the Major Mackenzie Natural Health Centre, please call 905-884-2279 or e-mail us
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